Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Jay-Z's "Triple Entendre" explained...

If you're are like me then Drake's "Lights up" left you thinking WTF is the "triple entendre" Jay-z is talking about.

"Owww, hoes turn they heads like, owls
I’m the man of the hour
Triple entendre, don’t even ask me how
Con Edison flow, I’m connected to a higher power"

Initially, I thought this nigga Jay-Z is trippin. Just because Oww, owls, and hour sound alike doesn't make it a triple entendre. But once again i mistakenly underestimated Jay-Z. after some research i found out it was all a set up. This witty mothafucka. "Triple entendre, dont even ask me how" left you thinking about what he said before when the triple entendra is really in the next line.

"Con Edison flow, Im connected to a higher power"

Con-Edison is a power company in NYC. Con Edison make sure the electricity flows smoothly (Jay-z's flow is as smooth as it gets) through the city and is connected to a higher power which is the power plant. DAMN!! Jay-Z is connected to a higher power.... God...Illuminati...WTF!!!

This mothafucka is incredible. Respect the King.

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